The Brain Training Formula
The Brain Training Formula
The Definite Solution for Increasing the Power of Your Mind and Boosting Your Memory
- Would you like to understand more about exactly how your brain works and the secrets how it stores information?
- Would you like to discover some easy to learn techniques for boosting the capacity of your memory AND your ability to recall information?
- What would it be like if you had access to increased mind power that you could tap into whenever you wanted?
Welcome to the Brain Training Formula
The Brain Training Formula was created by Colin McKay who has made some fantastic discoveries in an individuals ability to instantly access all types of simple and complex pieces of information using this specific Formula.
These mind power memory booster techniques I have personally used for years to support me in having instant access to all of my comprehensive NLP, Time Line Therapy® and Hypnosis skills and knowledge when delivering first class, Trainings, Presentations, Therapy and Executive Coaching.
Colin McKay - Creator of the Brain Training Formula
Contact Us
Before we talk more about the Brain Training Formula and what it can do for you on a Personal and Professional level, let’s found out more about you....
What’s your memory like? Can you rely on it 100% of the time or would you like to improve it? Are you sure that you can always engage with confidence, present information and contribute effectively in any given situation? Or do you feel like you could do better?
Do you have the ability to easily think outside the box? Edward De Bono called it Lateral thinking. Do you have the fluidity of thought to creatively and quickly formulate alternative solutions?
Have you ever had that experience where you know you know it. It’s on the tip of your tongue. You might even say, “I should know this” but nothing comes to your mind goes blank. Let’s be honest, it’s a common experience.
Let’s be honest we all want to build a better brain and the great news is that, with the Brain Training Formula, it far easier than you previously imagined.

Outdated theories would have us believe that your intelligence was determined by genetics and that your learning capacity was fixed during your childhood. We now know, through scientific research, that your brain, regardless of your age, can be trained, can evolve, develop and increase in capacity. So it’s possible for you now to develop a high functioning brain for all the future success that you desire.
You need to equip yourself with a set of effective brain training tools to utilise your storehouse of wisdom and knowledge that works collaboratively with your conscious and unconscious mind.
What Will I Learn with the Brain Training Formula?
Come and join us for the live training to increase your mind power and boost your memory with the Brain Training Formula. Here's just some of the exciting things you are going to learn:
The Sun List – The first of our easy to learn memory techniques. The Sun List will allow you to create a filing system within your powerful imagination and here you will be able to store and access all that you need to remember.
The Numerical Word Rhyming List - A fabulous and deceptively simple method which works in conjunction with the Sun List to easily memorise and then recall information.
Image Streaming – This is a proven technique for reconnecting the power of your conscious and unconscious minds functioning. Allowing you to gain access to your inner wisdom and unlock your potential and knowledge.
Word Dissociation – Learning this will stimulate your imagination to increase it's response and flexibility in thinking.
Lateral Chunking – A highly prized and rewarded skill set to have at your fingertips and with our proven formula you will easily be able to think outside the box to formulate new solutions.
The Loci Method – A dynamic technique for storing information in your mind easily by using a series of locations in a sequence which you can revisit. All this is done in your imagination of course.
The Phonetic Associated Mnemonics System - A highly powerful technique within this formula which once you have mastered, will allow you to be in the Top 1% of all capable intellectual thinkers.
What will the Brain Training Formula Allow You To Do?

With the insights you learn at the Brain Training Formula; speeches, presentations, jokes, metaphors and anecdotes will be easily to memorise.
The techniques we teach you will mean that you will easily be able to remember the name of everyone you ever meet.
If you want to impress your friends and family with the power of your mind then you'll be able to demonstrate your expertise with some tricks we are going to share with you.
By the end of the live training you will be at a point where you will be able to easily remember 50 random numbers in sequence instantly. (Of course the more you work with these techniques you'll be able to increase that to 100+ numbers)
You'll also know how to memorise a pack of cards in less than 20 minutes. Plus you'll be able to recall the order and sequence they appear in.
If you now realise that you want to tap into a new kind of mind power and are ready to create a better brain which will allow you to access new levels of intellectual potential, then the Brain Training Formula is the training for you because it will accelerate your results.
Here are the dates for your diary....
Location Date Trainers
Woking, Surrey 24th - 25th February 2018 Colin McKay
Our training venues are easy to access by road, rail or air. This training is in Woking which is just 30 minutes by train from London Waterloo
How To Book Your Place Now
So clear your schedule and Contact Us to secure your place TODAY or email Catherine directly -
Places at this training are usually £797.00
Currently is on a Special Offer of just £597
Take advantage of this Special Offer and Book TODAY