Meet the MTS Team
Who We Are -
Our Trainers
Founded in 2007 by Catherine Jackson - at Mind Training Systems we are passionate about our Students, Graduates and Clients results.
With all our years of experience in the field of accelerated change for personal and professional development. Catherine Jackson and her fellow trainers will share with you EXACTLY how to use the empowering techniques of NLP, Time Line Therapy®, Hypnosis and NLP Coaching to have Your Future By Design.
Catherine and her fellow trainers have studied extensively with Tad James, M.S., Ph.D Certified Master Trainer of NLP and the Creator of Time Line Therapy® and Adriana James, M.A., Ph.D. certified Master Trainer of NLP. Catherine is a Certified Trainer of NLP, Certified Trainer of Master Time Line Therapy™, Certified Trainer of Hypnosis and a Certified Trainer of NLP Coaching.
All Mind Training Systems Trainers are Members in good standing of the
American Board of Neuro Linguistic Programming (ABNLP)
Time Line Therapy® Association (TLTA)
Member of American Board of Hypnotherapy (ABH)
Coaching Division of the ABNLP
Catherine Jackson and the team at Mind Training Systems are dedicated to empowering people to discover and tap into their own inner power and true magnificence using the technologies of NLP, Time Line Therapy®, Hypnosis and NLP Coaching.
Colin McKay - Internationally Certified Trainer of NLP

Catherine Jackson BA Hons
Certified Trainer of NLP
Certified Trainer of NLP Coaching
Certified Trainer of Master Time Line Therapy™
Certified Trainer of Hypnosis
Certified Level 2 Practitioner of EFT
Certified Reiki Master and Teacher
A dynamic and charismatic presenter, coach and trainer, Catherine is the embodiment of true feminine power and potential. After many successful years in sales management within the fitness and leisure industries, Catherine found herself at a cross roads, frustrated and disillusioned with the ineffectual and out dated male dominated business practices that limited her own personal growth and the development of her team, she knew that there had to be a better way.
Her constant thirst for knowledge, her unquenchable interest in human potential and a need to re ignite her creative flare and spiritual nature led her into the field of NLP, Time Line Therapy™, Hypnosis and NLP Coaching. Having studied with Dr's Tad and Adriana James, Catherine has become a highly regarded trainer of these four powerful modalities, Catherine has developed her own style and brand in the market with her coaching and training company “Mind Training Systems” this is a business that is truly focused on the success of its students, partnering them through the profound life changing experiences that her many programs provide.
Out of this growth and development has come a process, that was a secret process only known to a few. A secret process that Catherine is adamant should be shared with everyone. So driven by her very nature to help others Catherine has co founded several easy to understand and implement process designed to create profound and sustainable change in your life. The program “Your Future by Design” and has been a labour of love for Catherine, driven by her passion to create change, to empower both men and women to live the life that they want not just the life that they got. She has worked long and hard to create a format that is accessible, simple and easy to understand. Along with “Your Future By Design”, Catherine has developed a successful “Marketing Your Coaching Business Program” and a "Self Hypnosis Diploma" along with a Flexible weekend formatted NLP Practitioner Training that still includes certification in NLP, Time Line Therapy™, Hypnosis and NLP Coaching. Catherine applauds you and supports you in the changes you now have embarked on.
Out of the training room and the Office, Catherine can be found at the yoga studio or at the stables with her adorable horse "JJ".
Other Key Members of the Team
Dr Peter Jackson FInstP FIPEM
Peter is a Master Practitioner of NLP, Time Line Therapy™, Hypnosis and NLP Master Coaching.